User Experience Research e Design

User Experience Research: a cross-cutting method

User Experience (UX) techniques based on solid User Centered Design approach to ensure the identification of usability, suitability, and acceptance issues at an early stageexpertise diagram

Our technologies:


Our Methods

User-Centered Design

An approach focused on users to ensure intuitive and functional solutions.

Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Semi-structured interviews, surveys, focus groups, and data analysis to understand users, their needs, behaviors, and goals.

Agile Methodology

Project requirements management through iterations and active involvement of stakeholders.

Interactive Prototyping

Creating working prototypes of the interface that users can test and interact with to gather research elements.

IEEE Standards

Standards for project requirements documentation.

Interface Design

Creating intuitive and engaging interfaces for a seamless experience.

Usability Testing

Evaluation of usability metrics and effectiveness of a system's interface.

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Our Products

We integrates skills and knowledge across various sectors, for conceiving, designing and implementing interactive products and services.

User experience research report

Starting from 4 weeks

User experience analyst

Information architecture design for services / products / softwares

Starting from 2 weeks

User experience analyst

Wireframe Lo-Fi

Starting from 2 weeks

User experience analyst

Mockup Hi-Fi

Starting from 4 weeks

User interface designer

GIS interfaces

Starting from 8 weeks

GIS specialist